The destruction of Havvel

Upon the second day of the the tournament a mage comes and offers a challenge to anyone on the stage. a young wizard approaches, hoping for a friendly battle to start the day. As the challenge begins the young mage finds his opponent is not friendly at all. The newcomer takes his staff and breaks the young wizards leg, taking advantage and blowing him off stage with a burst of magical energy.

The victor removes his hood, and upon his face lays the mark of a dark cult, the worshipers of Anabel, the embodiment of Evil amongst the gods.
He tells all to lay down and pray to Anabel to save their souls, for all will die this day in Havvel. From his back he draws a sword that he plunges into the stage where darkness sprouts forth like a flame. A demon stands before him and the crowd as panic ensues. assassins that lay in wait begin to cut through the crowd as the Demon waves its arm towards the tower, and from the peak of the top most roof falls the ornament, a crest of Havvel. A thunderous crack is heard as the great tower falls from its base and topples into the ocean below the cliff.

For the rest of the day the great town of Havvel burns as evil takes root, claiming that they will rise and conquest will be swift.