Detective work

Staying in town for several days, Kyras takes training from local trappers who have been out of work since the forests have become a battle zone. Chyle offers her brand of depressing songs to the taverns of the dwarves in the Iron Hills, gaining access after taking interest in the dwarves' history.
Allison, having done her part for the party decides its time for her to leave, but Gryn and Griselda hire the mercenary to stay for more time.
    The party finds themselves with some down time, and it seems that there is work to be done in town. They accept a job that takes interest in a potential elf scout that is terrorizing the farmsteads around the village. For the day, the party goes on the hunt, finding tracks that lead them to a house that sits out of the way of most of the roads through the area.
     Knocking on the door the party is greeted by a young Shepard who bears the symbol of the good Faery Christiana, the deity of Alexander. After attempting to lie to them, Griselda makes it apparent that the party in not in the mood to be lead in circles and the girl cracks under pressure, showing them inside. In the living space, cots of wounded soldiers, elves and men alike, are being taken care of. She lets them know that she has been taking care of them without bias, but there does seem to be an issue with an elf that stalks most every night and steals away to the barn to hide.
    The party thanks her for her good deeds, even offering gold to help with the effort. Then they muster and head to the barn to see if they can find something or someone inside. They get what they ask for, but the upper hand is to their opponent who sits in the rafters, bow drawn and ready to go for a kill.
    A white haired elf with eyes piercing cold stares down at them, asking if any could assist her in finding the elf that has eluded her and deserted the war effort. Understanding that this elf is not the one they seek and that it could be beneficial to assist this assassin since she doesn't seek to take bounty for it. The cleric Alexander however feels an aura of prolific evil emanating from the new friend and takes offence to the terrible aura.
    The party tracks the target to the next farmhouse not far away. They are introduced to another Shepard who tells the Party that she doesn't know of anything, but her sibling might for they play hide and seek commonly and if there were anything hiding, they would know of it. Gryn takes the initiative and talks to a young girl who stands at roughly his height. I just got done counting, she says, and now we can look for my brother who is hiding somewhere. Gryn asks if they play with anyone else, and the girl lets him know that there is also an elf who plays with them and he is hiding also.
    The party prepares to attack, following the girl into the barn where the kids commonly take to hiding. Gryn enters the barn first and follows tracks to a fort built of hay bails, easily looked over with an opening just wide enough for a small child or a slender elf, or a short dwarf. Gryn ducks inside as the party begins to deal with the assassin who Alexander finally attempts to assault in hopes to cure the world of the evil, leading to a stare down between everyone in the party and her.
    Inside the small fort however is the brother and the elf who is hiding. He tells Gryn that he cares not if he is a dwarf, that the elves genocide of their kind is wrong and that he deserted because Vanessa, lady of the wood, has not been in agreement of the elven war for some three years now. Without approval from thier god, the elves should not be pushing the war this hard, but some find it best to continue the assault, so now he is being tracked by the white assassin, sister of the white elf Hissilanda, the supreme general of the elven army. This assassin is known to kill all she is sent to dispatch of, most common of her targets are elven deserters. The elf also tells Gryn that he had to commit to two murders in self defense because he was attacked for being an elf, but he stays for his wounded brother who stays in the house close by. Gryn takes pity on the elf, a great leap for Gryn himself kills all elves he comes into conflict with. He lets the elf know that he will help him, and he leaves the fort, telling the assassin that the elf is not nearby. The assassin leaves, thanking the dwarf but maintaining a stare at the cleric.
    The party sneaks into town with the elf, telling the town that the elf they seek is actually the assassin in hopes that this will deal with the white assassin.