Moving the Pieces

The party rests only long enough to catch their breath in the village of the Iron Hills. With great haste they leave south, following the road in the open plains towards the Sister City, Imitheon in the Cragged Mountains.
     With assistance from their friend Basimick, the Party finds audience with the king and they tell him of the danger coming to them from the south, that demons have taken Havvel. The King and Basimick both understand the danger, but with the Elven War coming to a peak it seems that there will be no aid for Havvel.
     The Party offers to take up in the assistance of the war, hoping that they might see it to a quicker end and get aid for the dark that is coming. The king enjoys their enthusiasm, but tells them that five people cant change the tides of nations and offers them the door. Basimick finds them then, and offers them a job. If they want to help then assist him.
     He tells them that the Elves are mobilizing, but no one is sure where too. The elves from Presons are moving south, if the party could follow them and find out where they plan to attack from and where they are going to attack, it could allow the armies of man to deal such a blow that it would cripple the elven war effort.
      Once more with haste the party rushes into the plains and finds the elven force they have been sent to follow. For two weeks they manage south, finding Eveline along the way who has been hunting a witch nearby. On the fifteenth day the elves enter into a dark woods in the southern wilds, and the party prepares to enter, hoping to be careful not to get ambushed...