The Dark Night in the Woods

When the party had gathered at the edge of the wood, Eveline decided to wait outside, telling the party that even she is not wanting to go into these particular woods, there is more than elves that can get you in there. Taking the warning into consideration, the party debates on what to do and finally the plan comes.
    Chyle, the musical member of the party, is sent forth, dressed in elven garb. The cleric Alexander preforms an incantation from which he hopes he will be able to determine the bards whereabouts, but as Chyle wanders in the spell fades away. Chyle is alone.
     After several hours Kyras leads the party into the woods in search of their friend but they find their path blocked by a large thorn thicket. In an attempt to go around the thicket they find that it is more than a simple bush. Kyras attempts to talk to it, Knowing how to communicate with the fey and magical spirits. With a lucky guess a Forest Spirit comes forth. It has the body of a Dryad and the lower half appears serpent like built from a tangle of thorn thickets. In negotiations that only Kyras can manage, the party regains their lost companion who had been taken by the creature, so long as they leave the woods. Kyras pushes forward though, asking, as a believer of the Lady of the wood, if he may travel in search of the elves. The spirit allows, telling Kyras that it takes no part in any war beyond the borders and holds no friends of man or mer.
     The party retreats back to their camp and waits for Kyras who comes to a fort on the other side of the forest built into a pass in the mountain where the elves are staying. It is determined to hard to get into however, so getting information on the attack will not happen, but the location of where it will come from is found, and Kyras begins to head back into the woods.
     It is dark and the trees make even starlight hard to find. As Kyras crosses into a sudden opening he sees a black thicket, a color that the other forest spirit had none of. From it rose the body of a dryad, crucified to several logs pinned around it and then looped in an awful circle around its back made from dead wood that smelled of rot. Before it stretched tendrils of the black thorn thicket and in an instant of quick thinking Kyras climbed into a tree nearby. It seemed to have slowed the evil creature but the tendrils of thicket quickly climbed after him. He leaped, into the next tree and behind where he had been perched was stripped of all bark and the tendril thrashed wildly. for an hour of cat and mouse, Kyras leaped tree to tree in hopes of escape, but when he found himself in a corner Kyras let fly an arrow, hopefully into camp where help would come from. Several minutes went by, and in a last ditch effort, Kyras leaped from the tree as the tendril grabbed at him at the peak of the pine. the fall hurt, and though Kyras was still capable to fight, it was not going to be a long fight. The evil spirit crawled slowly like a looming presence of death and prepared to strike, when Eveline came forth taking a swig of something strong. One spark and she blew forth an intense flame from her mouth that went into the deepest parts of the thicket. The creature shrieked and retreated, giving enough time for KJyras and Eveline to escape the dead woods. They were safe, and had information enough to return with.