The City of Havvel is not a large city, but it supports a large county that is overseen by the Lord Havvel who rules in the name of Armontrosia and the Northern Territories. In the squabbles of the counties and lords, Havvel has maintained its neutrality and kept the peace within its borders. The Lord Havvel has made it apparent however that he is willing to defend his keep, taking a great victory from the forces of Orc that attacked from the south, as well as an assault not months later by the Presonian Colonists to the North.
The Tower Havvel, from which the city gathered its name and renown, is a large structure that sits astride a cliffs edge. Its height is said to be the tallest in the western coast, giving the Lord the last sight of the sun at its setting, insuring that peace is the last thing prayed for before the night, giving the people comfort.
The Summer festivals that are held here are said to bring the most honor to those who fight, for it is believed that within the walls there is true peace and those who fight are true to honor and justice. It brings together all creed and races, in and out of war and famine.
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