Mage's Temple

A revival of the study of Magics caused for a religious soul search in the realm of the unknown. The Mage's Temple is what insued, gaining many members in a short period of time. After several centuries of being an instituted place of worship, the Temple began to gain power, finding members that didn't care in finding anything religious, but were instead interested in the advancement of magic and science discoveries. This movement in the Temple opened membership to allow members of Faery religions and it became a common guild place for practicing wizards and sorcerers. As membership rose so did its power. The Temple now had common grounds in nearly every human settlement. This made way for the Temple to assist their local cities with training in many areas, offering schooling, magic awareness, training local militia, and assisting in local dangers.
After existing in this way for so long the temple started to settle into several branches. One branch is Scholarly, the red cloaks as they have come to be known. These members research and teach in many different fields. Another branch is assistance, the grey cloaks, offering help as messengers, builders, public speakers, and general needs. The last branch whose public awareness makes them a symbol of the Temple is the Battle Mages, the blue cloaks. They offer assistance as mercenaries, soldiers, and generals in times of war, studying battle magics, combat tactics, and warfare.

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